Sunday, July 19, 2015

.Birthday Time.

It's my last day being 25. A good ol' quarter of a century, my mid-twenties, not having to be in my upper twenties lol. 

I love my birthday. Every year I get so excited and have a countdown. I love my half birthday because it means my birthday is even closer! I love picking where I eat dinner and know that no one will complain about my choice. I love my pink birthday cake. I love getting my free Starbucks. I love being sang "Happy Birthday"!

This year I've had so many thoughts about my birthday that I've never had before. Maybe it's because tomorrow I will be in my "upper twenties" or maybe it's because my life has been radically changed by becoming a mom that I view things differently. 

Every time this year I was asked "what [I] want for my birthday" I would stumble. I feel so rich. I have an incredible life and I am so richly blessed. 

I find myself praying "thank you" more than praying for "please help me with such and such". 
Life is so special. And I love every year getting to celebrate that I am still on earth and get to live another day. 

Growing up birthdays were a selfish day that I knew I would get whatever I wanted, but this year I feel like I have everything I've ever wanted and none of it is materialistic. My dreams have all come true, and now I just get to live in them every day. 

I feel so incredibly thankful this year. So incredibly blessed, rich, and full. 
Thank you Jesus for my life. I pray I continue to have an attitude of appreciation. 


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